WindyCon 49
Enjoyed attending WindyCon, this past weekend. Met a load of fans, and was on several panels. The 1st one, “Please Note, Post-Apocalyptic Books Have Been Moved to Current Affairs,” was a hoot. One thing I noticed was the repeated discussion of the big, scary AI Menace in almost all settings. Not a Luddite (or a Neo-Luddite), but I’m beginning to see what got them upset. 😉
The final panel, “Hey Hollywood -Try Reading a Book”, was well attended, with a number of knowledgeable fans. Each came with a list of books they’d like to see on the screen (and few they wish hadn’t been made into movies). If curious, here’s my list, below. They seem to divide into 2 categories, “Visual that would look great on screen” and “Great stories.”
– Cities In Flight,…
– Orbitsville,…
– Ringworld,…
Great Stroies
– A Gift From Earth,…
– We Are Legion,…
– Terms of Enlistment,…
– The Moon is a Harsh Mistress,…
– Glory Road,…
Interesting that there was controversy around Glory Road. Some people hate this book, and some love it.
If curious about Luddites:
BTW, I learned at the movies panel that Moon is a Harsh Mistress is supposedly on James Cameron’s long, long list of books he’d like to make into movies. Fingers crossed…